Pod update android studio
Pod update android studio

pod update android studio

Modify the code above to reflect your local environment, then start an emulator and run the modified code to compile your app and load it into the emulator. $a->run # Build, install and run the app on the only emulator $a->title = qq(Generic App) # Title of the app as seen under the icon $a->platformTools = qq(~/Android/sdk/platform-tools/) # Android SDK platform tools folder $a->platform = qq(~/Android/sdk/platforms/android-25/) # Android SDK platform folder

pod update android studio

$a->package = qq() # Package name containing the activity for this app $a->keyStorePwd = qq(xxx) # Password for key store file $a->keyStoreFile = qq(~/keystore/release-key.keystore) # Key store file

pod update android studio pod update android studio

$a->keyAlias = qq(xxx) # Alias of key to be used to sign this app $a->icon = qq(~/images/Jets/EEL.jpg) # Image that will be scaled to make an icon using Imagemagick - the English Electric Lightening $a->buildTools = qq(~/Android/sdk/build-tools/25.0.2/) # Android SDK Build tools folder My $a = &Android::Build::new() # Create new builder Running compile will load the newly created apk into the emulator as long as it is the only one running. Start the AVD with a specified screen size (you might need to go into the android/sdk/tools folder): emulator -avd aaa -skin "2000x1000" k 'system-images android-25 google_apis x86_64' -g google_apis ~/android/sdk/platform-tools/:~/android/sdk/build-tools/25.0.3Ĭreate an AVD: avdmanager create avd -name aaa \ 'platforms android-25' 'system-images android-25 google_apis x86_64')Īdd to these components to the $PATH variable for easy command line use: export PATH=$PATH:~/android/sdk/tools/:~/android/sdk/tools/bin:\ 'build-tools 25.0.3' emulator 'platform-tools' \ You will need a version of the Android Build Tools as specified right at the end of the page below all the inappropriate advertising for Android Studio.Īnd unzip to get a copy of sdkmanager which can be used to get the version of the SDK that you want to use, for example: sdkmanager -list -verboseĭownload the SDK components to be used: (cd android/sdk/ tools/bin/sdkmanager \Įcho 'y' | android/sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager \ Sudo cpan install Data::Table::Text Data::Dump Carp POSIX File::Copy You can see Android::Build in action in GitHub Actions at the end of: Prerequisites sudo apt-get install imagemagick zip openjdk-8-jdk openjdk-8-jre Android::Build - Lint, compile, install, run an Android app using the command line tools minus Ant and Gradle thus freeing development effort from the strictures imposed by Android Studio.

Pod update android studio